10 Fun Facts About Bees!


Did you know…

  1. There are 20,000 species of bees in the world.

  2. Honeybees are not native to the American continent.

  3. Prior to widespread cultivation of sugarcane, honey was the most readily available sweetener in the human diet.

  4. Swarming is the natural reproduction of a honey bee colony.

  5. Honey bees are a ‘super organism’.

  6. Honey bees do not see the color red and are not attracted to it.

  7. Bees have an open circulatory system without veins or arteries.

  8. Bees have three body segments: the head, thorax and abdomen.

  9. Honey bees are attracted to daisy and umbelle shaped flowers.

  10. Honey bees can see blue, green, orange, yellow, purple and UV.

    Interested in learning more about honey bees?


So…you want to be a beekeeper?